USD$50 Million counterclaim dismissed, TTD$4 Million claim granted

By ttattorneys

Oct 6, 2023

On the 29th April, 2019, Maritime Preservation Limited (“Claimant”), shipyard and ship repair company, commenced proceedings against Mora Oil Ventures Limited (“Defendant”), seeking a lien on the floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) barge “Production Eagle” (“Production Eagle”) and damages for breach of contract arising out of unpaid berthing charges relative to the Production Eagle. The Defendant later counterclaimed against the Claimant claiming, inter alia, the sum of USD$44,000,000.00 for loss of sale / opportunity and TTD$41,662,807.20 in damages for cost of repair of the Production Eagle.

On the 19th September, 2023, upon the completion of trial in these proceedings, the Hon. Justice Carol Gobin, the Presiding Judge in the High Court, awarded judgment to the Claimant and dismissed the counterclaim of the Defendant with costs awarded to the Claimant. The Presiding Judge further granted a lien on the Production Eagle in favour of the Claimant.

The Claimant was represented by Shiv Sharma, Nyree Alfonso and Asif Hosein-Shah.

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